A walkthrough for Kingdom Days Sim Date. The goal of a dating sim is to raise your Relationship EXP with characters and after falling in love, to have a happy ending with them. Raising your Relationship EXP can be done by talking to them, giving them gifts and going on dates.
Guide Contents
- Kingdom Days Sim Date is a simulation game for girls of all ages. Your have 30 days to spend and build relationships with up to 5 different characters.
- Maximumunitywitcody-max 00 exp with cody. Iliketodigoutcoinsfromthesofa - gives $1000 mypowahlvlisover9000 - $1000, 2000 hp, 55 exp and 100 of every -1000 exp with Emerson. Chadisastupidname - 1000 exp with Cody.
Number Days Sim Date is a dating simulation adventure game for girls. Evelyn was having a great time at the amusement park but suddenly everyone disappears and now she's trapped inside with a few others.
Rose Urwin
Daniel Claud
Ferris Vidal
- Charm allows you to go on dates, you need at least 15 Charm to go on dates.
- Wisdom allows you to work at The Witch's Cottage, you need at least 15 Wisdom to work there.
- Magic can make characters more attracted to you early on.
Potions can increase your stats. They can purchased at The Witch’s Cottage for $25 each.
Pink Potion | +3 Charm |
Blue Potion | +3 Wisdom |
Green Potion | +3 Magic |
Money can be earned by working at the shops. Working at The Witch's Cottage earns more money but requires at least 15 Wisdom.
Shops and Items
Candy | $3 |
Tea | $4 |
Bread | $5 |
Wine | $10 |
Potions | $25 |
Paints | $15 |
Novel | $20 |
Roses | $20 |
Glass Angel | $50 |
Gift Guide
Gifts are a great way to increase your Relationship EXP. You can't give gifts to characters right away after meeting them. Talking to characters will increase your Relationship EXP with them. Once you have enough successful dialogues with the character, a message letting you know that you can now give gifts to the character will appear.
Likes | Candy, Tea, Novel |
Likes | Tea, Bread, Glass Angel |
Likes | Wine, Bread, Paints |
Likes | Candy, Wine, Roses |
Likes | Tea, Novel, Wine, Glass Angel |
Dates are a great way to increase your Relationship EXP. Like gift giving, you can't go on dates without talking to a character for a while. Once you have enough successful dialogues with the character, a message letting you know that you can now go on dates with the character will appear.
You will need at least 50 HP and 15 Charm to go on a date. Charm can be increased with Pink Potions.
To have a successful date you will need to raise the Mood to 6/6 and kiss the character. Talk to them and give gifts they like to raise the Mood to be full in order to kiss.
While a cast of characters are already present at the beginning of a game, there are additional characters that may be unlocked.
How To Unlock Ferris
In The Woods there is a chained-up coffin with an inscription on it that reads: “Those who commit sins shall be punished. God only forgives when a fragile angel heals his heart.”. This is a clue for how to unlock Ferris.
Earn $50 from working at The Bazaar or The Witch’s Cottage and purchase a Glass Angel from The Witch’s Cottage. Go to The Church and click on the heart-shaped hole in the arch near the ceiling. Mr. Toko will offer to put your Glass Angel in there for you. Once it’s placed in there it will seem like nothing happened but Ferris will be free from his coffin prison in The Woods.
How To Unlock Joseph
Joseph will return on Day 15. On Day 15 a cut scene will play and after it ends Joseph will be at the Castle of Knight.
This game has 6 Endings. Each character has a 'good' ending that can be earned when you have 600 Relationship EXP with them or higher.
On the day of the wedding, go to the church to talk to the character you would like to end the game with. If you have raised your Relationship EXP with them to be high enough, they will appear at the church. This excludes Lewis and Joseph who will always be there on the last day.
It is possible to get an ending where you don't live happily ever after with any of the characters and simply return back to your kingdom. Simply on the day of the wedding talk to Joseph and ask tell him you want to go home.
Cheat Codes can be earned by getting different endings. Use cheat codes by clicking on the wishing well from the main map.
- imcancerfree - +2000 HP
- moneydoesgrowontrees - +$1000
- workingisforsquares - +100 of all items
- itseffinfuchsia - Max Relationship EXP with Lewis
- azombiewouldhavebeenbetter - Max Relationship EXP with Daniel
- youthoughthewasacatatfirst - Max Relationship EXP with Ian
- antisparkle - Max Relationship EXP with Ferris
- istillthinkheisadouchebag - Max Relationship EXP with Joseph
- yaranaika? - Max Relationship EXP with all characters
- imtoolazytoinputallofthecheats - +2000 HP, +$1000, +100 of all items, Max Stats
- tothebatmobile - Brings you to the day of the wedding/the last day
ok,this is how i did this
when you start the game all the points that you can use put it on you chakra.then you go to the traning grounds and train you chakra until its to 50,then you train your strength until its to 50 in the training grounds.then in the academy you raise your intelligence until its to 50,and do the same to the charm in the flower shop.you should have all your chakra bars and max stength bar.the you go to town hall and do missions until you have 5000 money,then you train all your chakra,strength,charm and intelligence to 99 each(thats the max and all this should take you to day 25th ish)then go for your desired boy.
caracteristics for boys
naruto likes ramen and doggie hat.favorite ramen

lee likes lotus flower and the green jump suit. favorite lotus flower
to get more chakra from your energy got to the hot springs and click on relax and vise versa on invigorate
when you get 5000 money go to all the shops that you see and buy to from each
in a spar the lotus flower recovers all your hp
in a spar come come paradise(the book)heals all your chakra
in a spar with the ramen you recover 2 chakra bars
in a spar the doggie hat and the sake makes a random defeat(no one knows who will lose...)
hope this works!