- Company Of Heroes Console Cheats
- Company Of Heroes Cheats Codes
- Company Of Heroes 2 Pc Game Cheats
- Company Of Heroes Free Game
While playing, press [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[~] or [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[@] (on some keyboards) to bring up the console, then type any of the following cheat codes. Press [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[~] again to exit the console.
Code - Result:
FOW_Toggle Toggle - Fog of War ON/OFF
ee_bigheadmode(1) - Big Head Mode ON
ee_bigheadmode(0) - Big Head Mode OFF
taskbar_hide - Hide Taskbar
taskbar_show - Show Taskbar
statgraph() - Enable Statgraph
statgraph_channel('fps') - Show FPS (statgraph must be enabled)
setsimrate(#) - Set Game Speed (#=speed, 10=normal)
FOW_Reveal -All Remove Fog *
* requires the command-line parameter '-Dev' added to the shortcut for the game.
Unlock All Missions:
To unlock all missions in the game, add the command-line parameter '-unlock_all_missions' to your game's shortcut.
Plitch Cheat-codes for Company of Heroes 2 This Video shows our old software the Mega Trainer by MegaDev. Although PLITCH looks a bit different, all cheats and functions still work the same. PLITCH is a Freemium Software covering more than 2,500 PC games. Every game has a limited set of free cheats that you can use as you wish. This page contains Company of Heroes cheats, hints, walkthroughs and more for PC. This game has been made by Relic and published by THQ at Sep 13, 2006. Company of Heroes was made in 'Historic Real-Time Strategy' genre and have 'mature' as SRB rating. J'espere que vous vous amuserais avec ce mod Bon jeu! Here's a mod that lets you cheat on the Solo, Coop Mulitplayer and Company Of heroes on v2.700.2.42 ( But also works on all versions of the game) And also the last DLC. I hope you amuse yourself with this mod Good game!
Cheat game volleyball ps2. Example: 'C:Program FilesTHQCompany of HeroesRelicCOH.exe' -unlock_all_missions
Company Of Heroes Console Cheats

- Company of Heroes: Eastern Front for PC cheats - Cheating Dome has all the latest cheat codes, unlocks, hints and game secrets you need.
- Company of Heroes game cheats Press CTRL + SHIFT + ~ or CTRL + SHIFT + @ in the game to open the cheat input window Note: Press CTRL + SHIFT + ~ again to close the console Cheats Effect eebigheadmode(1/0) Big head mode. 1 on 0 off statgraphchannel.
- How to get unlimited resource in company of heroes-100% working(cheat engine)This works on all version of the game and also works on company of heros 2.
- PLITCH is a Freemium Software covering more than 2,500 PC games. Every game has a limited set of free cheats that you can use as you wish. However, to gain full and unlimited access to our entire database of 32,500+ cheats you need to upgrade to PLITCH PREMIUM.
COH Company of Heroes PC Cheats Codes Secrets
- While in-game, hold CTRL + SHIFT + TILDE(~) or CTRL + SHIFT + @ to open the console, and enter any of the following codes:
COH Company of Heroes PC Cheats Codes Secrets

Company Of Heroes Cheats Codes
Company Of Heroes 2 Pc Game Cheats
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Company Of Heroes Free Game
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