The default control scheme for DORAEMON STORY OF SEASONS for PC is. Video Game Cheats, Cheat Codes.
- Our Doraemon Story of Seasons +19 trainer is now available for version and supports STEAM. These Doraemon Story of Seasons cheats are designed to enhance your experience with the game.
- Also read: 5 Must Avoid Cheats When Playing Pokemon GBA Games. Pokemon LeafGreen Cheats – Gameshark Codes List Be aware. Try not to use or activate too many cheats at once, doing so could make the game confused how to handle the changes and may cause various glitches such as random crashing, freezing and messing of your saved data.
- Successfully complete the game on any difficulty setting. Return to the title screen after the ending sequence. Load the previously completed saved game to unlock Princess Corona. Doraemon message. Unplug all controllers and turn on the Nintendo 64. Doraemon will appear and say a.
Hello and welcome to Apocanow, we present you the article about the cheats and codes of Doraemon Story of Seasons. We hope it will be useful and allow you to improve your videogame experience.
We hope it will help you. If you have any cheat to suggest, contact us and we will update the page.

‘Doraemon Story of Seasons’ is the brand new game of robot cat that has enchanted millions of people! Dive into a new world with gameplay relaxing and a story of friendship that warms the hearts of all. Grab a shovel and come and have fun!
Doraemon Story of Seasons has been published on 10/09/2019 for PC. We take care to update the list of consoles for which the game was published over time if the cheats are they also applied to new arrivals.
Discover cheats and cheat codes for Doraemon Story of Seasons (PC): Endless Stamina and Fast Movement Speed.
Doraemon Mystery Game Cheat Codes Ps2
It's also available a trainer for Doraemon Story of Seasons. A trainer is a program that adds cheats to the game. On the bottom of the page there's a list of cheats that you can unlock with this program.
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Finished all the premises, we show you the cheats we have recovered.