Pages: 2 3 4 More— Notes: Here is what I found out about the game genie codes for dragon warrior 2: the code for 255 strength points. The problem is #1 If you equip yourself with the copper sword your strength points return to 4 or 5 and if you get killed you loose all your strength points, and for the hit point if you go to sleep you loose them all you return to the normal number hit points. In this episode of Fun with Cheats, I demonstrate a very useful code for the original Dragon Warrior to level up your character much faster than normal. If you have any cheats or tips for Dragon Warrior Monsters 2: Cobi's Journey please send them in here. For more Codes for Dragon Warrior Monsters 2: Cobi's Journey go to: Dragon Warrior Monsters 2: Cobi's Journey GameShark Codes. You can also ask your question on our Dragon Warrior Monsters 2: Cobi's Journey Questions & Answers page.
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All the latest Dragon Warrior NES cheats, game genie and action replay codes for Dragon Warrior on the NES are here in this article. The Dragon Warrior game on the NES / Nintendo Entertainment System is a very challenging game and can be quite frustrating at times, Hopefully using the below cheats and codes will help you to beat this game.
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Dragon Warrior I for the Gameboy Color Gameshark codes for the game. Dragons Den: Dragon Quest Fansite > Dragon Warrior I GBC > Gameshark Codes June 15, 2019

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Dragon's Den is a Dragon Quest (aka Dragon Warrior in the Nintendo Entertainment System days) fan site that has been around since 1997.
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Activate them, go into your game, view the changes, then deactivate them 1.11 Hero Codes ----- 01FFECC9 - HPS CURRENT 01FFEDC9 - HPS MAX 01FFEEC9 - MPS CURRENT 01FFEFC9 - MPS MAX 01FFF2C9 - AGL.
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Get the latest Dragon Warrior Monsters 2: Cobi's Journey cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, hints, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Game Boy (GB). has all you need to win every game you play!
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Dragon Warrior Monstes (GBC) Hex For Monsters and Gameshark Codes (Credits to Jimeous) Because Jimeous' site went down years ago, it's quite difficult to search for nice guides and codes for a game with such a high replay value.
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DRAGON WARRIOR III. GAMESHARK / PRO ACTION REPLAY CODES: The following dongle-dependent codes are designed for use with the North American (NTSC) version of the game, but may work on compatible systems:
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Cheats are user contributed and may or may not work for you. Whenever possible the cheats have been tested. Some cheats may work for some people and not others due to differences in game revisions or differences in hardware used to play the game. No guarantee is made for the usability of any cheat. We need your cheats!
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Cheats are user contributed and may or may not work for you. Whenever possible the cheats have been tested. Some cheats may work for some people and not others due to differences in game revisions or differences in hardware used to play the game. No guarantee is made for the usability of any cheat. We need your cheats!
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Dragon Warrior Monsters Gameboy Hints Get Coatal: Breed a Sky Dragon (pedigree) and a Mad Knight.. Type the following Gameshark code 01**03DA Replace the ** with the monster of your choice 01.
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This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Dragon Warrior for NES.If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page, or have a correction, please.
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What is the gameshark master code for dragon warrior 3?. The GameShark code for unlimited Master Balls in Pokemon Fire Red is 82003884 0001.. gameshark for gameboy and gameboy colour dident.
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Dragon Warrior I & II (U) [C][!].zip for - Gameboy And Gbc @ Dope Roms . com. Serving 171,589 ROMs For 144 Consoles With 218 Emulators & 9,279 Cheats. Sections.
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Dragon Warrior 3 gbc request This is complex, but it works wonderfully for the hours and hours I had to mess with code to make it work just right. Get 213 of All Monster Medals!(Before using these codes, have at least 1 medal available to view, and have your game saved from a church, somewhere that you can fight a few random battles you're sure.
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Dragon Quest III (GBC) Cheats. Dragon Quest III cheats, Tips, and Codes for GBC. Jump to: Tip (8) Cheat (2)
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Almost all gameshark codes here Dragon Warrior Monsters 2: Cobi's Journey Game Boy Color
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Cheats are user contributed and may or may not work for you. Whenever possible the cheats have been tested. Some cheats may work for some people and not others due to differences in game revisions or differences in hardware used to play the game. No guarantee is made for the usability of any cheat. We need your cheats!
- G66YY644
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Dragon Warrior Monstes (GBC) Hex For Monsters and Gameshark Codes (Credits to Jimeous) Because Jimeous' site went down years ago, it's quite difficult to search for nice guides and codes for a game with such a high replay value.
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Dragon Warrior 2 Game Genie
Get the latest Dragon Warrior Monsters 2: Cobi's Journey cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, hints, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Game Boy (GB). has all you need to win every game you play!
Use the above links or scroll down see all to the Game Boy cheats we have available for Dragon Warrior Monsters 2: Cobi's Journey.
How To Get Cool Monsters
To get Goldgolem breed a Iceman and a Lavaman.
Goldslime EASY!!!
Breed a Goldgolem with a white king or aMetalking.
Breed Dracolord with a Wattabou.
Hargon EASY!!!
You have to beet the game before you can do this Which means you have to beet Darck.
To get Dracolord you have to have 5 tiny medalsand exchange them to get Servant. Then breed itwith Andreal. If you want it with more defensebreed it with metaly, mettable, or metalking. butI warn you it will have low HP.
Get A Strong Whipbird
To get a strong Whipbird you find another MonsterMaster in a Magic Key World ( I did mine inFIRSTMNT) and sometimes the person will have awhipbird and use the Sirloins that I told you toget, on the monsters. Then make sure you kill theother monsters before whipbird or one of theothers will join you. But the Whipbird will knowat least one halfway desent move. Mine knewTatsuCall. You can also get other monsters likeShantak, Battlerex, Rosevine, Metalking,Darkhorn, and Serpintia.
How To Get Alot Of Good Monsters By Breading
Just to tell you you MUST beat the Ice key to dothis. First catch eight metalys. Then breed twometalys to creat metable do this four times.After thats done breed two metables to make metalking do this twice. Then breed the metal kingsto make the powerful gran slime!!!
How To Get Azurile
To get Azurile, breed any bird family with adrakslime(and you will get a pheonix), then anybird family with metaly(and you will get ablizzardy). Next breed the blizzardy and pheonixand get a rainhawk.In the end, breed any ???family with rainhawk and you will get a Azurile.
Dragon Warrior 2 Cheats Game Genie Play
Breed a Spotking or Kingslime with a MetalDrak toget a MetalKing
TO get a DracoLord, breed a servant with anAndreal.
An Easy Way To Get A Zapbird By The Ice World
Catch any bird, and two gismos. If you want theZapbird to know HEAL, use a Wyvern, which is in thePirate world (in the outside areas), and in theLighthouse in the Pirate world. Catch two gismos inthe Ice world. Breed the Wyvern with the gismo,wyvern first. You will get a phoenix. Breed thatwith the gismo. Make sure that the phoenix learnsHEAL. When you breed the phoenix with the gismo,you get a Zapbird that will learn HEAL.
An Easy Way To Get A POWERFUL Metalking (For Cobi's Game Only)
YOU MUST BEAT THE PIRATE WORLD IN ORDER TO DO THIS.READ ALL OF THIS THOROUGHLY BEFORE STARTING. Catchabout 5-6 slimes in the Pirate world. If you wantyour matelking to know HEALALL, ALSO catch 2healers. If you don't want metalking to knowHEALALL, just catch 2 more slimes instead. Breedthe 4 slimes to make 2 +1 slimes, and breed theother slimes with the 2 healers to get 2 more +1slimes. Breed 2 of the +1 slimes to get a +3 slime.Raise the other 2 +1 slimes so they learn HEAL.Then make another +3 slime. Breed the +3 slime soit learns HEAL.Then breed the 2 slimes to make a +5or +6 KIngslime. If you just get another +4 slime,just breed another slime with it to get Kingslime.Make sure that the Kingslime learns HEAL. Then beatthe Ice world and go to the Ice tower in the middleof the lake and catch a Metaldrak. Breed K.S. andM.D. to make Metalking. U can only Catch M.D inCobi's Game. If youre playing tara's versoin, catcha pixy and plant, make a Gulpple, breed it with amember of the dragon family to make an Andreal.Breed it with a material family member to makeMetaldrak. Put Kingslime first to breed, thenMetaldrak.
Get A Metalking
Breed metaly with metaly.
Drak Slime
To get a Drak Slime breed a Slime Family member with a Dragon Family Member.
We have no cheats or codes for Dragon Warrior Monsters 2: Cobi's Journey yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
We have no unlockables for Dragon Warrior Monsters 2: Cobi's Journey yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
We have no easter eggs for Dragon Warrior Monsters 2: Cobi's Journey yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
We have no glitches for Dragon Warrior Monsters 2: Cobi's Journey yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
Created by: Dragon Warrior Master.Read the full guide...