Epilogue: Changing Your Fate. Mystical Maggie foretold four possible fates. As you might expect, each of the four paths accessible on the roof leads to one of those dooms. Choose one and you seal your fate; choose another and you change your fate: IMPRISONED: Compartment #3. Note: If you are playing the Japanese 1.00 version of the game, there is a chance of the game crashing when speaking to Patrick. Make sure you update the game to the latest version to avoid this.
The Room is a three-dimensional puzzle game. The game has a minimal story, in which the player is told by letters of a mysterious box in a room in a house; as the player solves the puzzles around the box, more notes from the same author – one who previously had solved the mystery of the box – are found, describing the box's use of an ethereal material called 'Null', as well as showing the. Epilogue Section 1. Comments The Room Walkthrough Guide — 4 Comments. Michele Lefevre on January 4, 2015 at 8:46 am said: I am having a real problem getting the key to open the second lock – whichever position I twist the end of the key to, it still won’t open the lock.what am I doing wrong? Is there a bug in the game? The Room Epilogue – Walkthrough. Posted on October 7, 2013 by adminusa. Here is our complete video walkthrough of the mobile game The Room – Epilogue.
EpilogueFind all 60 puzzle pieces and successfully complete all jigsaw puzzles in every World. The broken ladder that leads to the attic in the house where levels are selected will now be fixed. Climb up and enter the door to access World 1. Successfully complete World 1 again to view the Epilogue. You can now revisit the Epilogue by walking into the hidden alcove on the left side of the title screen.
Alternate ending sequenceCollect the first seven secret stars to unlock the last secret star in the final level. Some of the switches in that level can no longer be affected by time manipulation, allowing the last secret star to be collected and changing the ending.
New journal text in EpilogueEvery room in the Epilogue except the last one has one or more objects that you can stand behind. Open the red journal on that screen, and display its text. Stand behind one of the previously described objects. If done correctly, you will hear a sound and new text will appear. Note: If you open a green book, the red book will close, and the text will disappear. Time manipulation must then be used to see all four new text.
First room: Read the red book, then find the hidden book with the scream.
Second room: Drop down, read the red book, then use time manipulation to rewind up to the left hand ledge. Walk behind the scenery until you hear the sound again.
Third room: Read the red book, then walk into the next room. Stand on the left side of the green platform. Use time manipulation to rewind until you hear the green book close. Walk back into the third room. Move behind the rock.
Fourth room: Hit the switch so that the green platform goes up. Hit the switch to bring it back down. Stand on the red book. Use time manipulation to rewind so that the platform moves up with you on it. Run off the left of the platform. Look behind the rock for the sound.
Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:
- Traversed World 2 (10 points): Travel all the way across World 2.
- Traversed World 3 (10 points): Travel all the way across World 3.
- Traversed World 4 (10 points): Travel all the way across World 4.
- Traversed World 5 (10 points): Travel all the way across World 5.
- Traversed World 6 (10 points): Travel all the way across World 6.
- Solved World 2 (15 points): Fit together all the world 2 puzzle pieces and align the puzzle in its frame.
- Solved World 3 (15 points): Fit together all the world 3 puzzle pieces and align the puzzle in its frame.
- Solved World 4 (15 points): Fit together all the world 4 puzzle pieces and align the puzzle in its frame.
- Solved World 5 (15 points): Fit together all the world 5 puzzle pieces and align the puzzle in its frame.
- Solved World 6 (15 points): Fit together all the world 6 puzzle pieces and align the puzzle in its frame.
- Closure (60 points): Complete the game.
- Speed Run (15 points): Complete a full speed run of the entire game, beating the challenge time.
Move to the side with the 5 letter puzzle at the top. Attach the brass plate L to the right side. It now says COWLL. The answer is TRIAL. This will hide the clockwork projector and one of the seals will open. Two more remain…
A door opens to reveal a beautiful HD safe. Seriously, how beautiful is The Room App in HD guys? Stunning atmosphere by Fireproof Games and Fireproof Studios Ltd.
Zoom in on the top of the safe to view the note by AS.

M 8.
Macallister returns with the rubbings from Egypt! The pattern continues. The Tibetans call the Null element Space. To the Hindus, it is Aether. And now, to the Babylonians, it is simply Up. The other direction. The reality of Ishtar. Of yet more significance is the recurring presence of the hexagonal glyph: Left side is 3 triangles of a hexagon with small circle at top middle and bottom middle ends. right is a small hexagon and 2 lines out.
The same symbol repeated in cultured separated by countless centuries and the span of the globe! Who will tell me now that this is idle superstition at work? When my hands hold the first distilled sample, they will recognise me then!

The Room Epilogue Walkthrough
Presently, the sceptics have one more in their number. Macallister has quit my service. 2/7.
It’s a safe dial, but there’s a piece missing. Well come right back to this after we get the key in the next step.
The 4 symbol puzzle. Around the tea room box there are images of a grid of 4 symbols. The locations of the instructions are: At the top of the tower above the 3 symbol side, at the top point. On the left inside of the glowing box which contained the number code. On the right of the side panel just near the 4 grid entry point itself. I guessed the last position, but I’m sure it’s somewhere.
The solution to the 4 grid symbols is: Top left: hamburger. Top right: cross and swirl. Lower left: cross with nail in the top and Lower right: Palace with central tower. Solve this to reveal the heavy, iron cast key with the cross on the tip.
Go back to the safe box. Zoom in to the top of the safe box and you will see a small almost hidden clasp switch on the lower middle. just right of the big silver piece. Slide this switch to the right to open the drawer. Puzzle time!
What are these curious orbs? Notice when you move your device around the orbs will move too. That is your clue and hint for The Room App. The orbs are linked to the gyroscope on your iPad, iPod touch, iPhone or Android device.
Puerto rico game cheat sheet. Make all the orbs glow to open the side drawer and reveal the symbol, just like on the AS letter about the hexagons. Use your eyepiece to see what’s really hidden here. Remake the symbol from the 3 pieces by moving the camera to show a lock. Insert your big cross key into the keyhole and turn it clockwise to loosen the small side drawer panel.
Zoom in on the small side drawer panel. Open the drawer and pick up the small cabinet key. Insert this cabinet key into the front of the safe. Rotate key clockwise to open and reveal the enamelled brass star. The keyhole changed to more complex shape.
Zoom all the way out to the tea box. Rotate around at look at the top point part. Find the start on one of the top points. Insert the star to reveal the statue puzzle and another letter from AS.
Quick spin round and pick up the brass ring with markings around the edge.
Ju 21.
Take note of this date. It is the most significant in human history. I have done it! A human subject was required. The catalyst was my own being! Fatigued by my studies, I entered the chamber without disabling the mechanism. When I regained consciousness, I had succeeded!
The Null element is beyond curious, being neither quite energy nor matter. I have already made great strides in its study, specifically in how it refracts the light.
The Room Epilogue Guide
Tonight, I open the wine! 3/7.
Return to the safe. Attach the brass ring to the left side of the safe panel. Move to the left thing with one dot, then the right thing with two dots. Then right again. Then left to the tab just left of the one dot. Then right all the way to the last two. So the safe pattern is left one, right two.