You'll need a Coin Case, to be found in the Goldenrod Underground. At the main desk in Game Corner (in the top left corner) you can buy 50 coins for 1000P or 500 for 10,000P. Slots and Games Gold and Silver have two games now. Collection of Best Pokemon Soul Silver Cheats This collection of Action Replay codes for Pokemon Soul Silver features the most useful cheats such as the Walk Through Walls that lets you pass in almost all areas without blockage. Also check: All Pokemon Cheats Compilation Rare candy cheat to instantly level up chosen Pokemon, No random encounter to prevent you from battling any wild Pokemon. Easy way to get coins at Goldenrod Game Corner? Pokemon Silver Version Game Boy Color. Log In to add custom notes to this or any other game. Notify me about new. However it seems sometimes that the game cheats and it doesn't stop when I press A (it waits a few seconds). Also, sometimes the Golem fall and change it while sometimes when I. Goldenrod City Game Corner This small game corner allows you to win coins to exchange for items. Enter the building, and talk to the man behind the game machine to get Coin Case so that you can get coins. Then go to the front to play. Eevee–Normal–Free from Bill in Goldenrod, or as a prize from the Games Corner in Celadon City for 6,666 coins Ekans–Poison–Silver:Routes 32,4,Gold:Goldenrod Games Corner Electabuzz.
The Game Corner has been a staple of every Pokemon game up to Generation IV. Here you can buy coins, test your luck, and win fabulous prizes, including new Pokemon and TMs you won't get anywhere else.
The Basics
You'll need a Coin Case, to be found in the Goldenrod Underground. At the main desk in Game Corner (in the top left corner) you can buy 50 coins for 1000P or 500 for 10,000P.

Goldenrod City Game Corner Cheats
Slots and Games
Gold and Silver have two games now. The first is the basic slots game from Red and Blue: insert however many coins you want (1, 2 or 3, which add more rows on the slots where you can win prizes) and try and line up the same picture.
Slots Prize Table:
Three 7's: 300 coins
Three Poké Balls: 50 coins
Three Staryu: 15 coins
Three Squirtle: 10 coins
Three Pikachu: 8 coins
Three cherries: 6 coins
Getting one or two 7's seems to affect the game a little; you might see other Pokemon pop up from time to time to tip the balance of the game if you manage to pull off a 7..
The second game is Card Flip. New to the franchise, Card Flip allows you to pick one or several cards, place a bet on the winning card, and try to win. The less cards you pick the higher the yielding prize.
Prizes (Goldenrod)
TM14 Blizzard: 5500 Coins
An frosty blast of Ice-type damage is what you'll get using Blizzard. It's useful against the eighth Gym Leader and the Champion though it has low accuracy so watch out. Blizzard has a modest chance of freezing the opponent.
TM25 Thunder: 5500 Coins
This peal of electrical power will shock the living daylights out of certain Pokemon on Chuck and Pryce's respective teams. To add to the fear factor, Thunder will never miss when it's raining. It also might paralyze the target.
TM38 Fire Blast: 5500 Coins
A decently accurate and extremely powerful Fire-type move, Fire Blast will be immensively helpful in your fights against Jasmine and Pryce. It has a good shot at burning the target.
#023 Ekans: 700 Coins (Gold)
This is the only way to get Ekans in Gold. Pick it up if you like Poison-types or need to complete your Pokedex, but don't expect it to do very much hard work.
#027 Sandshrew: 700 Coins (Silver)
Like Ekans in Gold, Sandshrew can't be caught in the wild in Silver. Sandslash has a bit of muscle behind it so this may be a worthy buy if you like Ground-type Pokemon.
#063 Abra: 200 Coins
Makes catching this little Psychic-type a heck of a lot easier now that he can't escape with Teleport. Evolves into a Pokemon with one of the best Special Attack stats in the game (albeit reaching his last form via trade). If you do use him, your fights against Morty and Chuck might become a lot easier.
#147 Dratini: 2100 Coins.
Extremely rare and learns a myriad of great attacks, Dratini would make a smooth addition to any team. It resists four of the most common Special types and will be a great asset to you later on in the game. Old house escape game cheats.
Prizes (Celadon)
TM32 Double Team: 1500 Coins
Boosts evasion to make the foe's moves miss. This works great both ingame and competitively, though watch out: you may lose all your friends if you try it on them.
TM29 Psychic: 3500 Coins
The most powerful Psychic-type move in the game. It has raw strength behind it and is great for dealing with pesky Fighting-type and Poison-type Pokemon like Hitmontop and Gengar.
TM15 Hyper Beam: 7500 Coins
A very powerful Normal-type move. 150 Base Power, but forces you to recharge after using. Attach it to a fast Pokemon with great Attack power (like Entei) and go hog wild.
#122 Mr. Mime: 3333 Coins
An obscure Psychic-type Pokemon that probably won't be much use to you this late in the game. It has cool Special Attack and Special Defense, but isn't that memorable otherwise. I guess it gets both screen moves which is kind of neat.
#133 Eevee: 6666 Coins
Bill will give you an Eevee anyways, but if you're too lazy to breed that one you can get a healthy Eevee for an easy 6666 coins in Celadon City. Remember that it can evolve into five Pokemon now: the types it can take on include Fire, Water, Electric, Psychic and Dark.
#139 Porygon: 9999 Coins
Exclusive to the slots, Porygon is very expensive. If you're looking for a strong battler, it's not going to be Porygon, though it has a fun novelty to it you could try and make work with its neat movepool. Get the Upgrade though from Silph Co. and you can have some interesting battles using Porygon2.
Voltorb Flip is a game that you can play in Pokémon in order to win coins, which you can exchange for itemsand pokémon. It is a game of luck, but with a little bit of strategy you can reduce the guesswork and increase the chance that you will win the game. The more coin collecting you do,the better prizes you can get in the game.
How to Play
Goldenrod Game Corner Cheat Soulsilver
You are given an empty grid of 25 squares. The grid hides Voltorbs and numbered cards.To the right and below the grid are boxes that show you how manyVoltorbs there are hidden in that row or column, as well as the total that the numbered cards add up to in that rowor column.
Flipping a numbered card gives you coins. If you have 0 coins, then flipping a numbered card gives you that manycoins. Thereafter, flipping a numbered card will multiply your coin total by that number.
Your goal is to find all of the cards in the grid that say 2 or 3. Since the cards only multiply yourcurrent coin total, finding a 1 never has any effect on the number of coins that you have. The 1 cards just allowyou to stay in the game.
If you flip a voltorb, you lose all of the coins that you accumulated in the current game (although you keep all the coinsthat you won in previous games.) Additionally, if you flipped fewer numbered cards than the level number of your currentgame, you drop down to that number level. In other words, if you are on level 5, for example, and you only flip two numberedcards before flipping a voltorb, you drop down to level 2.
Step 0: Flip all the cards where there are no voltorbs
Sometimes you get a grid where a row or column has 0 voltorbs. You should flip all of the cards in that row or column,because you know that they are safe. This will also help ensure that even if you do flip a voltorb, you might have flippedenough cards not to drop down to a lower level.
Step 1: Mark the 1s
To get a good strategy for winning Voltorb Flip, one of the important things to keep in mind is the fact that you only needto find the twos and threes. You never need to find any of the ones. What this means is, if you can tell from the current state of the grid that a square, row, or column, can only have either voltorbs or ones, but not any cards with higher numbers, you can choose Open Memo and mark those squares with a voltorb and a 1.Then you can safely leave those squares alone.
Look for rows and columns whose voltorb + number total is equal to five. This means that the entire row or column can be markedwith a voltorb and a 1, because there can't be any higher numbers in there. For example, if there are four voltorbs in a row,and the number total for that row is 1, you can mark that entire row with voltorbs and 1s, because there can't be any twos orthrees there. Similarly, if a column has two voltorbs, and the number total is three, you also know that there can't be anytwos or threes in that column, and can mark the column with voltorbs and 1s.
Step 2: Use logic to narrow things down
Once you have flipped all the cards in 0 voltorb rows or columns, and once you have marked all of the rows and columns that aredefinitely going to either be a 1 or a voltorb, the game gets risky, but you might be able to use logic to safely flip or markmore squares. The squares that youhaven't marked yet are the ones that MIGHT have a 2 or a 3. But there's also a chance that there is a 1 or a voltorb in those unmarked squares.
To use logic to narrow things down, here is what you do:
Pokemon Soul Silver Goldenrod City
- Make note of what the number total is for the row or column that you are looking at.
- Figure out in your head what combinations of numbers would be needed in order to add up to thattotal.
- If you realize that the unmarked squares would all have to be either a two or a three in order toadd up to the total, you can safely flip them all.
- If the unmarked squares could possibly be a one, then use the Memo feature to mark those squares with all of the possiblenumbers that could be hidden there.
- After marking the rows and columns, go back and look over them again. If you marked a square with voltorb, two, and three,for example, you might realize, looking at the way that you marked other squares, that a three in that square would make the totaltoo high, so you can remove that from the notes on that square.
Soul Silver Game Corner
Step 3: Decide whether to take a chance or play it safe
If you have marked all of the 1s and you have flipped over any cards that you can safely flip using logic, then the game becomesentirely based on luck. If you wish, you can try to flip over a card at random and hope that it isn't a voltorb. If you do this, try to flip over a card in a row or column that has a low number of voltorbs in it, along with a high number totalfor that row.But it might bebetter to just quit the game and take the coins that you earned so far. This is what I would recommend if you have already flippedover enough cards to not drop down any levels, or if you will only drop down one level. This way, you will still earn some coins,and you can try this level again afterward.
Goldenrod City Pokemon Silver
It might even be a good idea to flip over any 1s that you are reasonably sure about, because this will increase your flipped card count,giving you a better chance of staying at the current level if you flip a voltorb later. It even reduces uncertainty in the grid, andmight even be enough to help you figure out the location of more twos and threes.