Get the latest Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, hints, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PlayStation 2 (PS2). has all you need to win every game you play! If you want a chance to kick butt against all the battle droids, Sith Lords and other enemies in the Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith video game, you should grab these cheat codes.
- Revenge Of The Sith Script
- Revenge Of The Sith Cast
- Revenge Of The Sith Game Cheats Ps2 Rom
- Revenge Of The Sith Full Movie
Cannon glitch
Episode IV Death Star multi-player level
Force Regeneration
Losing Skill Points
Multi-player mode characters
Cin Drallig: Mission 12
Count Dooku: Mission 4
Darth Vader: Mission 17

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Mission 17
Mace Windu: Mission 10
Serra Keto: Mission 12
Mustafar Balcony multi-player level
Mustafar Control Arm multi-player level
Mustafar Control Room multi-player level
Mustafar Lava Platform multi-player level
Palpatine's Office Docking Bay multi-player level

Palpatine's Office multi-player level
Temple Control Room multi-player level
Temple Outer Terrace multi-player level
Throne Room Main Chamber multi-player level
Throne Room Upper Balcony multi-player level
Unlock All Arenas
Unlock All Bonus Stages
Unlock All Concept Art
Unlock All Duel Characters
Unlock All Movies
Unlock all Powers and Moves
Unlock All Story Levels
Unlock Infinite Force Power
Unlock Infinite Health
Unlock Quick Health and Force Refill
Unlock Super Light Saber Mode
Unlock Tiny Droid Mode
Utapau Sinkhole Control Room multi-player level
Utapau Sinkhole Landing Platform multi-player level
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(Star Wars Episode III Cheats)
Collect all pre-positioned studs in all levels. Keep collecting them until the Jedi bar is full and flashing to get one superkit piece. After this is done in all levels the Tantive IV superkit model outside will become available. Note: This will also unlock the '?' door in Dexter's Diner. The 'episode' behind the secret door that is opened after collecting all Minikits and the Superkit is in actuality only one level based on the opening scene from Episode IV: A New Hope. The 'To Be Continued..' message at the end of the level hints at an upcoming sequel to Lego Star Wars, which would include the remaining episodes (IV, V, and VI).
Successfully complete Episode IV: A New Hope to unlock Darth Vader and the Stormtrooper.
Hacking flash games with cheat engine 6.2.
Play Episode I: The Phantom Menace, Chapter 6: Darth Maul in Story mode or Free Play mode. Get to near the end of the chapter when you are taking down the red force fields. Finish the last force field, but do not follow Darth Maul. Instead, run back the way you came until you are in the previous room. Then, return to the force field room. Darth Maul will be in his first position, but all of the force fields are still down. You cannot hurt him; ignore him. Even though the force fields are down, the switches have reset. Hit all the switches again to gain more Studs. You can get at least 6,000 to 7,000 Studs with each pass. Repeat process as many times as desired.
Unlock the hidden 'Episode IV: A New Hope' level and play until you reach the first split in the path. Battle through the rebel guards down the right hallway and enter the door. There you should find a group of yellow, blue, green, and red blocks laying scattered on the floor. Using a Jedi or Sith, utilize the Force so that you build an 'L' with the yellow blocks, an 'E' with the blue blocks, a 'G' with the green blocks, and an 'O' with the red blocks. If done correctly, at least a dozen blue studs (worth 1,000 each) will fall from the ceiling. Collect as many as you can before they fade away.
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(Star Wars Episode III Cheats)
In whatever episode and chapter you are playing, copy the type of your current opponent. For example, if there are hordes of disguised clones ready to shoot you, switch to disguised clone and they will not attack, giving you time to shoot them. Note: They will probably follow you, especially if you are a battle droid. However, this does not work on Bosses, Sith, General Grevious, etc.
Double jump them with X while in the air to take down its shield. Double jump near the shield, then press Square before you land.
After unlocking a lot of characters, go outside of the diner and to the hangar. Most of the time, the good characters will attack the bad characters that spawn there. Since there are more good characters than bad, sometimes you can see bad characters such as Darth Maul getting beat up by a lot of good characters.
Try alternating or simultaneously pressing Attack, Jump, and the Left Analog-stick with any Jedi or Sith with a lightsaber to execute various maneuvers and different three-hit combos.
Whenever playing as Yoda, you will notice that he is slow moving without his lightsaber. Press Jump and he will get out a hover chair. This is easier when traveling, as you will not have to watch him jump like crazy or move slow with the stick.
Once you get to the section where Jango is behind a force field and there are two guns at the top. Go in the door at the left. You will see some circles on the ground. Step on one of the white ones and your partner (whether CPU or human) will step on the other. Once you are done with all of them, a dance mix of the Star Wars themes will start playing. The Kamino aliens will start dancing. Once you leave the room, you will have to repeat it.
At the beginning of the level in free play mode with Jar Jar Binks, you can jump up to the floating broken bridge, thus ending the shooting by the Battle Droids, and automatically depleting Darth Maul's health, and lowering the bridge to be put together.
In the level 'Jedi Battle' in Episode II, play until you reach the end where you must defeat Jango Fett. Lure him near one of the mines set up on the field and step near it so that it charges up. Back away in an opposite direction than Fett to draw him over the mine. If done correctly, the exploding mine will take away all his hearts and destroy him instantly, saving you from several minutes of fighting.
Revenge Of The Sith Script
Enter one of the following codes at the diner to unlock the corresponding character for purchase in free play mode:
Character | Code |
Battle Droid | 987UYR |
Battle Droid (Commander) | EN11K5 |
Battle Droid (Geonosis) | LK42U6 |
Battle Droid (Security) | KF999A |
Boba Fett | LA811Y |
Clone | F8B4L6 |
Clone (Episode III) | ER33JN |
Clone (Episode III, Pilot) | BHU72T |
Clone (Episode III, Swamp) | N3T6P8 |
Clone (Episode III, Walker) | RS6E25 |
Count Dooku | 14PGMN |
Darth Maul | H35TUX |
Darth Sidious | A32CAM |
Disguised Clone | VR832U |
Droideka | DH382U |
General Grievous | SF321Y |
Geonosian | 19D7NB |
Gonk Droid | U63B2A |
Grievous' Bodyguard | ZTY392 |
Jango Fett | PL47NH |
Ki-Adi Mundi | DP55MV |
Kit Fisto | CBR954 |
Luminara | A725X4 |
Mace Windu (Episode III) | MS952L |
Padmé | 92UJ7D |
PK Droid | R840JU |
Princess Leia | BEQ82H |
Rebel Trooper | L54YUK |
Royal Guard | PP43JX |
Shaak Ti | EUW862 |
Super Battle Droid | XZNR21 |
Revenge Of The Sith Cast
Revenge Of The Sith Game Cheats Ps2 Rom
Enter one of the following codes at the diner to unlock the corresponding selection in the 'Extra Option' menu in the diner:
Revenge Of The Sith Full Movie
Option | Code |
Invincibility | 4PR28U |
Big Blasters | IG72X4 |
Classic Blasters | L449HD |
Silly Blasters | NR37W1 |
Brushes | SHRUB1 |
Tea cups | PUCEAT |
Minikit detector | LD116B |
Moustaches | RP924W |
Purple | YD77GC |
Silhouettes | MS999Q |