- SLXPLOVS - Infinite lives
- AEKPTZGA - 1 life for Mario after continue
- AEKPTZGE - 9 lives for Mario after continue
- ELKZYVEK - Power Jump
- EZKZYVEK - Super Power Jump
- EAKZYVEK - Mega Power Jump
- GZUXNGEI - Multi-Jump
- SXEZSKOZ - 'Skywalker'
- OXKZELSX - Super speed running
- XVUXNUEE - Turbocharged running
- AANZKLLA - Raises P-Meter while standing still
- PEUZUGAA - Start on World 2
- ZEUZUGAA - Start on World 3
- LEUZUGAA - Start on World 4
- GEUZUGAA - Start on World 5
- IEUZUGAA - Start on World 6
- TEUZUGAA - Start on World 7
- YEUZUGAA - Start on World 8
- YPXXLVGE - Mario (not Luigi) can re-use items
- SZUEXNSO - Restore powers after action scene (e.g. if you were Fiery Mario on the map screen, then entered an action scene, died or changed to Frog Mario, you would return to the map screen as Fiery Mario)
- ZEUXKGAA - Start the game as Fire Mario
- LEUXKGAA - Start the game as Raccoon Mario
- GEUXKGAA - Start the game as Frog Mario
- IEUXKGAA - Start the game as Tanooki Mario
- TEUXKGAA - Start the game as Hammer Mario
- KKKZSPIU - Enable debug mode (see our SMB3 Lost Bytes article for more information)
- Super Mario 64 on N64; How to Save the Codes: With at least 50 Stars collected, go stand on the enlightened rug, in the Castle Hall. Now press C-up, and look up, into the sunray. When standing on the red switch, at the top of the Tower, in the centre of the Rainbow Ring.
- Super Mario Bros.(tm) Game Codes 1 DFDF-FAAD Start FILE A game with 2 lives 2 DBDF-FAAD Start FILE A game with 10 lives 3 7FDF-FAAD Start FILE A game with 50 lives 4 17DF-FAAD Start FILE A game with 100 lives 5 C2C1-D4AA Infinite lives 6 6D84-DF03 Infinite time 7 C26B-0FBF 1-up worth nothing 8 D5DF-FADD Allows you to select any world for FILE A 9 CB81-0D02 + E281.
- (Super Mario Bros 1 - All Stars) Jump in Midair & Enemies are power ups - Game Genie Codes. While jumping in midair you can also prevent death if there's a warp pipe or a vine, otherwise the.
- Game Genie Codes Sent in by Pyros98@AOL.com After entering the following codes for the Game Genie, start a 1-player game and go to time trial. Choose Mario as your driver (may work with other drivers). Then choose Vanilla Lake 2 as the course (may work in other courses). After finishing the race while the Game Genie is on, choose replay.
- Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts Super Mario All Stars Super Mario Kart Super Mario RPG Super Mario World Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island Super Ninja Boy Super Off Road: The Baja Super Off-Road Super Play Action Football Super Punch Out!! Super R-Type Super Return of the Jedi Super Scope 6 Super Smash TV Super Soccer Super Soccer Champ Super Star Wars.
- Super Mario All-Stars / Super Mario World – Game Genie Codes The following are known Game Genie Codes for Super Mario All-Stars / Super Mario World on Super Nintendo (SNES). Super Mario Bros. Codes Get Hit To Transform Into Fully-Fledged Fire Mario CB29-AF0E D429-AF6E CB8B-676A DD8B-67AA Get Hit To Transform Into Big/Small/Big Fire Mario CB29-AF0E.

If you use any of the next five codes to defeat Bowser, you should stand in front of the door and hold Up. As soon as the door opens, you will find the Princess. If you do not hold Up, the game will freeze.
Game of thrones season 5 cheat sheet. Top 10 Weird Super Mario Bros. Game Genie Codes Posted on September 4, 2010 May 2, 2019 by gruz I’ve always been a fan of the Game Genie, more specifically the Game Genie for the Nintendo Entertainment System.
Super Mario All Stars Cheats Game Genie
- XUKXGLIE - Start and stay as Super Mario.
- UXKXGLIA - Start and stay as Fire Mario.
- NXKXGLIE - Start and stay as Raccoon Mario.
- OUKXGLIE - Start and stay as Frog Mario.
- XNKXGLIE - Start and stay as Hammer Mario.
Super Mario World Game Genie
- SZKIKXSE - Invincibility after upgrading from Super Mario status (e.g. to Raccoon, Frog, etc.)
- AEOSSZPA + PAOZTGAA - Change to Super Mario if you fall off screen and die
- AEOSSZPA + ZAOZTGAA - Change to Fiery Mario if you fall off screen and die
- AEOSSZPA + LAOZTGAA - Change to Raccoon Mario if you fall off screen and die
- AEOSSZPA + GAOZTGAA - Change to Frog Mario if you fall off screen and die
- AEOSSZPA + IAOZTGAA - Change to Tanooki Mario if you fall off screen and die
- AEOSSZPA + TAOZTGAA - Change to Hammer Mario if you fall off screen and die
- SKUZZY - Invisible Piranha Plants, and the pipes shoot fire at you.
- VXKXGLIE - Invincible
- KUKXGLIE - Flying Mario
- YNKPTZGE - 99 Lives after continue.
- OEPZXZ - Enemies, and stuff from blocks become 1-Ups.
- UUKXGLIE - Always small Mario, invincible, you can jump on any enemy, even Fire Plants.
- SXGZPO - There is a small blue square above every coin switch.
- SXTZPO - Mario can sometimes Ice Skate, forward and back, when he has the tail. He can't swing his tail.
- NYGLPA - You start with five lives, just like normal, but you can't see how many live you have.
- XZZOEK - You better be a pro!!!
- IANOXG - Green
- PGTIPS - Most enemies can't attack.
- SXGZPO - There's a small blue square above every coin switch.
- SXTZPO - Mario can 'Ice Skate' when he has the tail. Although he can't swing his tail. When you try to jump to the left, you go backwards, even when you try to walk to the left.
- KSLLLL - Bad guys appear and disappear
- GEPZXZ - 1000 points for killing someone instead of just one hundred
- AASAAS - On map screen, Mario is in a weird place. Press B for battle mode
- KEGKEL - Holes in ground
- PLLSTA - Green background blocks in first level have notes in them; jump on them for a Starman.
- IOSUZI - Hammer bros. are weird on map
- GOZXXL - Weird colors on map screen. Can't move Mario in level
- PZLZXS - Hit a block, and it will appear somewhere else in the level. Also, when you die, you can play levels you beat already over and over again.
- ZLLSTA - Green blocks in background have ice blocks in them
- APPSTA - Map graphics are weird
- LYULUY - Map screen graphics are different. Music is a little different
- LLLUUU - Plant fireballs are misplaced
- OOEISO - Die unexpectedly
- KSUUUU - Map graphics are way different
- KSIIII - Bad guys are weird when you jump on them
- OOLLLL - Enter level. On map screen Mario's a spinning top
- EOPUPO - Illusions in level, Can't get a score
- KSSXUU - Can't go back in the level
- AOLXXU - Mario slides. Turtles are different
- EOEISA - Mario falls down in places where no holes are visible
- AOSZXI - When you enter a level it looks cool
- LVYXUU - Cool colors
- IIIOKK - Weird graphics
- NNNOKK - W.G. #2
- ZZZOKK - W.G. 3
- IPPOKK - Graphics are weird. Plus, you enter a battle mode
- XYLOPN - Each level is mixed up in the middle
- AOZULT - Enter a weird level
- AOSUZT - You can't break any question marks with your head. However, that's not it. Hold a turtle shell and throw it at the very top of the question mark that's right after the first warp tube in the game. A Koopa Kid should pop out, and he will die. A Magic Wand will fall. Grab it and after a message from the King, you'll go to World 2. This may take a couple of tries.
- AOSUZP - Score is weird
- ATKZYEVK - Can't jump
- KKKKKK - You can't use turtles to break blocks
- IANXOU - Hold the B button to slow yourself down
- OPEKGG - Messes up the game but is fun to watch
- YYXPLOVS - 1 life, but when it says 99 lives you still have one
- SXIZPO - Very short sounds at the start of each world
- SXAZPO - Confused
- UKKXGLIE - Invisible swimming mass but can't go very high
- NNNLPA - You can't see which world you're in
- POZZZZ - Makes secondary tones when hitting question marks
- PGTIPZ - Can't harm turtles, turtles hurt you
- PGTIPX - Sky has messed up clouds and has bushes
- PGTIPO - Go past a certain distance and all of the enemies disappear
- PSKXGLIE - Gray change
- XNKXGLIA - Makes Mario small, gray, and walks through his foes
- EEKPTZGE - No continue
- XEUXKGAA - Start game as messed up Mario
- EANZKLLA - Hold B to slide or bounce
- TEUZELSZ - Wind tunnel
- PEUXKGAA - Start as Super Mario
- YZKZYVEK - Can't jump
- KANZKLLA - Power slides (Hold B)
- YEUXKGAA - Black swimming mass (you change to mario when you get hit)
- IXKZELSX - Sudden turbo boosts
- ZVUXNUEE - Tap B for turbo
- GEUZELSZ - Icy ground
- KEUZELSZ - Breeze
- ETKZYVEK - Very low jump
- YLXPLOVS - Lives double when you die
- SYXPLOVS - Number of lives is zero, even after you die with zero!
- IIIIII - Makes enemies hover above the ground in side a messed up square.
- KOSUZI - This code allows you to pull blocks out of the scenery and creates holes that you can fall down if you are not careful.